Excess Oil - Fuel to the Acne Flame
Acne can be aggravated by many things but there are three main factors that are required for acne to develop in the first place: excess oil, dead skin build up, and an overgrowth of bacteria. The combination of these three factors lead to congestion in the pores (follicles) and can escalate to different grades and categories of acne.
Acne can be aggravated by many things but there are three main factors that are required for acne to develop in the first place: excess oil, dead skin build up, and an overgrowth of bacteria. The combination of these three factors lead to congestion in the pores (follicles) and can escalate to different grades and categories of acne. All three factors contribute to acne but there is one that plays a major role in this condition—oil.
Oil, also known as sebum, is the major trip wire for acne. It is the biggest contributor for acne because it binds dead skin cells and bacteria together in the pore, leading to build-up and blockages. To better understand how oil plays a role, you need to understand the sebaceous gland.
The sebaceous gland is a microscopic organ that creates and secretes oil (sebum) to help lubricate and waterproof the body, specifically the skin. This gland is part of the integumentary system and makes up the pilosebaceous unit, which is the hair follicle, hair shaft, erector pili muscle, and sebaceous gland. This unit works to support the structures of your skin, hair, and nails.

When the sebaceous gland is producing an appropriate amount of oil, the skin is healthy and protected. However, when there is too much stimulation or excess oil being created, it acts like glue and starts to collect dead skin cells. Eventually, this creates a blockage in the pore, trapping bacteria, which will multiply and thrive in the confined pores. This overgrowth of bacteria will further trigger the body's immune response which leads to inflammation, and it all started because of excess oil.
Luckily, there are ingredients that can be used to help with this over production of oil. Salicylic acid is an amazing ingredient that works like a mop to help absorb the excess oil that is being produced. It provides antibacterial properties and helps clean into the pore itself, which is unique when compared to Alpha Hydroxy Acids.
Now upon learning this, many individuals begin addressing the excess sebum and they neglect following up with a moisturizer. They feel that since they are oily, they do not need the extra moisture. This is far from the truth! Over stripping and drying out the skin causes the sebaceous glands to create more oil, thus creating a vicious cycle that continues on, leaving anyone with acne feeling discouraged.
It is important to remember that BALANCE is key when caring for acne. We need to address the excess oil, but we also need to support and rebalance the skin with the appropriate amount of hydration.
The GlyMed Plus Serious Action Line contains acne-fighting ingredients like Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide. They also contain Aloe Vera, Arnica Montana, and soothing humectants to help preserve the health of the skin while caring for acne. We believe in maintaining the integrity of the skin which is why our Serious Action Line is used by many professionals—because it works!
If you have any questions and would like to speak to one of our friendly Master Aestheticians in your area, please email support@glymedplusaustralia.com.au
Written by The Institute of Skin Science