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Commonly Asked Questions

I have tried cellulite creams in the past with no success. What makes this product different?
In order for a cellulite cream to be effective, it actually has to heat the adipose (fat) layer. GlyMed Plus Anti-Cellulite Cream has been professionally tested to warm this layer to a level that creates efficacy.

How often can I apply Anti-Cellulite Cream?
We recommend a daily application for the first two to four weeks, decreasing to every other day after a month.

I get very red when I use this, am I allergic?
No, this is due to the increased circulation as well as the detoxifying effects. The more red you are the more toxins that are being removed. You will notice the redness will be much less as you are using more frequently.

Is this product safe for pregnant or breastfeeding moms?
Please consult your doctor before using this product.

Any age/health restrictions on usage (ie: safe for babies and children, frail skin, etc).