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Commonly Asked Questions

Is this product safe for babies and children?
Yes, Photo-Age Environmental Protection Gel 15 can be used safely on all skin. It is a great way to prevent vulnerable skin from sunburns.

How often I should apply my sunscreen throughout the day?
SPF (Sun Protection Factor) should be applied at least every 2 hours when spending time outside. It’s recommended that you apply SPF 20 minutes before going outside.

I don’t use sunscreen because they feel too heavy on my skin and I am prone to breakouts. Can this product help me?
Photo-Age Environmental Protection Gel 15 is a top selling GlyMed Plus product because it is lightweight and does not leave a heavy feeling on the skin. Since it was originally developed for individuals with acne, it is the best choice for acne/oily prone skin.

Is this product safe for pregnant or breastfeeding moms?
Yes, during pregnancy your skin will be more susceptible to hyperpigmentation. A professional grade SPF is highly recommended.