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How Endometriosis, PCOS, & Fertility Treatments Affect the Skin

How Endometriosis, PCOS, & Fertility Treatments Affect the Skin

This week and always, we seek to understand and empower the women experiencing infertility and other illnesses that may cause it, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. We believe that no matter your medical situation, skincare is for everyone.
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Normal Reactions to a New Skincare Regimen

Normal Reactions to a New Skincare Regimen

"Skincare is a marathon, not a sprint," as we like to say at GlyMed. When you switch over to a new product or regimen, you might be concerned why your skin is reacting differently, but it’s just your skin getting used to new ingredients.
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However, if you’re able to properly utilize this powerful ingredient, you can offer many more benefits for your client’s skin. WHAT IS ALOE VERA? Aloe vera is one of 300 aloe plants, a succulent species that grows in tropical, semi-tropical and arid regions.
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Introducing Age Management Products Into Your Skincare Routine

Introducing Age Management Products Into Your Skincare Routine

Aging is one of those worries we all are trying to avoid. But the reality is that everyone goes through it, and it’s a natural, beautiful process that is a privilege to experience. Often, we’re afraid of looking older.
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The Mind-Skin Connection

The Mind-Skin Connection

Our skin has a funny way of showing the world what we are feeling. We’ve all been caught blushing during times of embarrassment or turning pale when scared, but have you noticed how your skin reacts to your mental health? Your Mind & Skin Are Connected.
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Ingredients for Healthy Aging

Ingredients for Healthy Aging

It's no secret that aging leads to changes in your skin, but it's nothing to be afraid of! We've learned that being proactive with your regimen and treatments will lead to graceful aging in skincare. Ingredients for Healthy Aging.
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5 Reasons to Choose GlyMed Plus Skincare

5 Reasons to Choose GlyMed Plus Skincare

There is no denying that the world of skincare is vast and complex. So, when it comes to picking new products to create a daily regimen it can be difficult to know where to start. As you are doing your research, you might learn about professional skincare and how it differs from what you can find in stores.
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Mistakes You Should Stop Making on Your Skin

Mistakes You Should Stop Making on Your Skin

When it comes to skin care, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there. Sometimes these myths are perpetuated because of ignorance, or other times to sell a faulty product. Nearly everyone has a skin care routine, so it's easy to fall for one of those convincing myths now and again.
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Pigmentation in Skin of Colour: Guest Blog

Pigmentation in Skin of Colour: Guest Blog

GlyMed's Director of Education, Sarah Robbins, interview with Jean McKoy for the Skin Deep podcast on pigmentation in Fitzpatricks IV, V, and VI. Jean McKoy is a Licensed Master Esthetician located in Sacramento, California, and has been an account with GlyMed Plus for more than eight years.
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Q&A: Fulvic Acid

Q&A: Fulvic Acid

Fulvic Acid is a powerhouse in the treatment room and in your home care. If you haven't heard the wonders of this acid yet, let this Q&A introduce you! It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic. Fulvic Acid is a powerhouse in the treatment room and in your home care.
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Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Introducing GlyMed's first-ever holiday gift guide. Includes stocking stuffers, gift sets, employee favorites and a few guest products! There is a GlyMed gift for everyone on your list! Find something for everyone on your list!
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An Esthetician's Take on "Real Skin" Guest Blog by Allyson Fowler

An Esthetician's Take on "Real Skin" Guest Blog by Allyson Fowler

They say comparison is the thief of joy, but in the age of photoshop and filters, comparison can also destroy your concept of reality. The so-called “healthy” skin we are shown online is all too often a façade. So, the next time you’re scrolling, stop & remember that healthy skin is achievable, but perfect skin is not!
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